Tech solutions to #Unmute Civil Society

Enhance meaningful civil society participation in UN processes


Sara Katrine Brandt, Global Focus

About the Action Coalition

The overall objective of the Action Coalition is to enhance meaningful civil society participation in UN processes focusing on tech-solutions for online and hybrid meetings. This includes:

i) maximizing the opportunities and advantages of information and communications technology and digitalisation in UN meetings and processes.

ii) identifying, developing, and implementing technical solutions to bridge the digital divide and iii) promote a more open and inclusive civic space at the UN.

Output during Year of Action

Members commit to engaging in the Action Coalition throughout 2022, the Year of Action. After this period, a stocktaking of the work and progress will decide upon the continued work of the Action Coalition. Further, the work of the Action Coalition is to be promoted at presented in events related to the Tech for Democracy initiative and relevant UN meetings.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
  • The Government of Costa Rica
  • Global Focus